This is Cotton Candy from the Cartoon Chicks series designed by Anu Penttinen in 2008-2010. They were hand made for Iittala at the legendary glass hut in Nuutajärvi, Finland.
All chicks of this series have playful names:
Snowball 17cm, 2008.
Nightbird 16,5cm, 2008
Cool Joe 19cm, 2008.
I'm All Bananas 17cm, 2008.
Ippy the Hippie 19cm, 2008.
Cotton Candy 19cm, 2008.
Apple Pie 10cm, 2009.
Funky Violet 10cm, 2009.
Sweet Liquorice 10cm, 2009.
Sweet Meringue 10cm, 2009.
Cloud -9 10cm, 2009.
Paradise Chick 16,5cm, 2010.
Size: 19cm (height)
Condition: Very good
Signatures: A. Penttinen