Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka
Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka

Lepinkäinen SSKK 1990 annual bird by Oiva Toikka


Lepinkäinen is the annual bird for SSKK book store in 1990, and as such was produced in a limited number.

These Original SSKK birds are signed "Lepinkäinen" in handwriting. And also the rest of the signature is in handwriting.

These have an orange head and the body has an iridiscent surface on something that changes appearance with light between anything from green and blue to somewhat lila nyances. The glass underneath everything is brown and also this shines partly through.  So there are many shatterings to discover in these birds, that perhaps at first glimse could be thought about as seemingly simple birds. This are some of the qualities that make these creations by professor Oiva Toikka the pieces of Art that they truly are.

We have two variants at the moment (A and B).
"B" has still got the Nuutajärvi silver tag in place.  This bird scatters light slightly more in green. 
"A" has more blue and violet to its colors, and its tail shows more of the brown glass.
Both are personalities. We have tried to catch these in different light to show more of that.

Last we have two group photos of our two SSKK Lepinkäinen birds and two later produced Lepinkäinen birds that have their own twists to the original design. The newer versions have the signature sand etched and don't have "Lepinkäinen" written anywhere. One is clearly green and the other is blue and green. Both of these have clearly much less iridiscense than the two SSKK birds. These might be company birds.
These are sold elsewhere here on our website.

"Lepinkäinen" O. Toikka Nuutajärvi 
Condition:   Excellent
Size:          150-155 mm x 95-100mm